Biofertilizers Ti Plasmid MCQ 0% Guidelines :The test begins the moment you click on StartIf you open a tab to search your times will be up. MCQ Biofertilizers , Ti Plasmid 1 / 40 33. The Ti plasmid-based transformation is widely used for crop improvement. However, it is primarily applicable to: A. Fungi B. Animals C. Monocot crops D. Dicot crops 2 / 40 5. How many molecules of ATP are required to fix one molecule of nitrogen? A. 12 B. 20 C. 6 D. 16 3 / 40 34. The genes of interest introduced into the Ti plasmid are often driven by specific regulatory sequences to control their expression. What are these sequences called? A. Silencers B. Promoters C. Enhancers D. Operators 4 / 40 25. The Ti plasmid contains specific DNA regions known as T-DNA. What is the role of T-DNA in genetic engineering? A. It synthesizes toxins to kill insect pests B. Integrates C. It causes disease symptoms in plants D. It helps bacteria resist antibiotics 5 / 40 11 . Plants cannot absorb molecular N2 in the atmosphere because A. N2 has double bonds making it highly stable B. Abundance in the atmosphere inhibits absorption C. N2 has triple bonds making it highly stable D. None of these 6 / 40 37. The use of the Ti plasmid in genetic engineering has raised concerns about potential ecological and environmental impacts. What is one of the main concerns associated with the release of genetically modified plants into the environment? A. Preservation of biodiversity B. Increased use of pesticides C. Development of novel vaccines D. Enhanced crop yield 7 / 40 28. In genetic engineering, the genes of interest are inserted into the Ti plasmid using recombinant DNA technology. What is the resulting modified Ti plasmid called? A. Virulent Ti plasmid B. Tumor-inducing Ti plasmid C. Super Ti plasmid D. Ti vector 8 / 40 39. A plasmid can be considered as a suitable cloning vector if A. It can be readily isolated from the cells B. It possesses a single restriction site for one or more restriction enzymes C. Insertion of foreign dna does not alter its replication properties D. All of the above 9 / 40 15. Nitrogenase is an enzyme that very sensitive to What are the proteins that use to compose this enzyme? A. Fe and Zn protein B. MoFe and Fe protein C. MoFe and Mn protein D. All above are incorrect 10 / 40 40. Maximum size of foreign DNA that can be inserted into a replacement vector is A. 25-30 kb B. 18-20 kb C. 20-25 kb D. 40-50 kb 11 / 40 3. Nitrogen fixation is the conversion of A. N2 to N B. N2 to NH3 C. N2 to NO – D. N2 to urea 12 / 40 12. The conversion of amino acids to ammonium by soil decomposers is called A. Ammonification B. Mineralization C. Deamination D. Both A And B 13 / 40 26. Which enzyme is responsible for the transfer of T-DNA from the Ti plasmid into the plant cell? A. RNA polymerase B. DNA ligase C. Restriction enzyme D. VirD2 endonuclease 14 / 40 7. Conversion of nitrates to nitrogen is called A. Ammonification B. Nitrification C. Nitrogen fixation D. Denitrification 15 / 40 9. Plants absorbs N2 in the form of A. Nitrites (NO2-) B. Nitrates (NO3-) C. Ammonium (NH4+) D. All of the above 16 / 40 4. Important enzymes involved in nitrogen fixation are A. Nitrogenase and hydrogenase B. Nitrogenase and hexokinase C. Nitrogenase and peptidase D. Nitrogenase and hydrolyase 17 / 40 35. In addition to plants, the Ti plasmid can be used to transfer genes into which other types of organisms? A. Bacteria B. Fungi C. Animals D. All 18 / 40 16. Root nodule of leguminous plant contains A. Nitrogenase B. Leg hemoglobin C. Both D. None 19 / 40 1. Which of the following statements is correct? A. Atmosphere is the major reservoir for plants B. Nitrogen is the most abundant nutrient for plants C. Nitrogen cycle is a sedimentary cycle D. All 20 / 40 2. Nitrogen is absorbed by the plants in the form of A. Ammonium B. Nitrites C. Nitrates D. All 21 / 40 19. Pick the correct statement A. Legumes do not fix nitrogen B. Legumes fix nitrogen independent of bacteria C. Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their roots D. Legumes fix nitrogen through bacteria in their leaves 22 / 40 18. Which of the following is incorrect about nitrogen fixation in nodule? A. It is a high energy process B. Leg-hemoglobin acts as oxygen scavenger C. Mg is required as a cofactor for nitrogenase enzyme D. Process use atmospheric nitrogen but not atmospheric hydrogen directly 23 / 40 23. The Ti (Tumor-inducing) plasmid is commonly found in which type of bacteria? A. Bacillus subtilis B. Escherichia coli C. Agrobacterium tumefaciens D. Pseudomonas aeruginosa 24 / 40 20. Which of the following is a non-symbiotic biofertiliser ? A. VAM B. Azotobacter C. Anabaena D. Rhizobium 25 / 40 13. Industrial fixation is accomplished by A. Helmonts process B. Haber process C. Friedel-Crafts reaction D. Reimer Tiemann Reaction 26 / 40 6. Ammonification is the formation of A. Ammonia from nitrates by decomposers B. Ammonia from nitrogen C. Ammonia from amino acids D. Ammonia from nitrates by nitrogen fixers 27 / 40 27. The process of transferring genes of interest into plants using the Ti plasmid is commonly known as: A. Plant breeding B. Plant transformation C. Plant cloning D. Plant grafting 28 / 40 10. Plants cannot absorb molecular N2 in the atmosphere because A. N2 has double bonds making it highly stable B. Abundance in the atmosphere inhibits absorption C. N2 has triple bonds making it highly stable D. None of these 29 / 40 22. The chemical substances produced by some microbes which can kill or retard the growth of other microbes are called A. Antiseptics B. Antacids C. Antibiotics D. All of these 30 / 40 36. The Ti plasmid has revolutionized agriculture and biotechnology due to its ability to transfer genes efficiently. Which scientific breakthrough led to the discovery and application of the Ti plasmid in genetic engineering? A. Restriction enzymes B. DNA recombinant technology C. DNA sequencing D. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) 31 / 40 38. Select the wrong statement about plasmids? A. It is extrachromosomal B. It is double stranded C. Its replication depends upon host cell D. It is closed and circular DNA 32 / 40 30. The Ti plasmid is used to create genetically modified crops. Which trait can be introduced into crops using this technology to improve their agricultural performance? A. Insect resistance B. Reduced shelf life C. Enhanced flavor D. Smaller yield 33 / 40 8. The conversion of nitrogen to ammonia or nitrogenous compounds is called as A. Nitrogen assimilation B. Nitrogen fixation C. Denitrification D. Nitrification 34 / 40 24. The Ti plasmid is known for its ability to cause crown gall disease in which type of plant? A. Tomatoes B. Fruit trees C. Rice D. Peanuts 35 / 40 31. The Ti plasmid-based genetic engineering has been used to produce "Golden Rice." What is the special characteristic of Golden Rice? A. Enhanced shelf life B. Drought tolerance C. Disease resistance D. High vitamin A content 36 / 40 17. Nitrogenase require _ _ condition for its activity, A. Aerobic B. Anaerobic C. Ozonised Environment D. Co2 37 / 40 21. Which one of the following is not a nitrogen-fixing organism ? A. Anabaena B. Nostoc C. Azotobacter D. Pseudomonas 38 / 40 32. The process of introducing Ti plasmid into plant cells usually involves which technique to deliver the DNA into the plant? A. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation B. Microinjection C. Electroporation D. Polymerase chain reaction 39 / 40 29. Which of the following is NOT a common application of the Ti plasmid in genetic engineering? A. Producing biofuels from plant material B. Generating transgenic animals C. Developing disease-resistant plants D. Creating genetically modified crops with desirable traits 40 / 40 14. In nitrogen fixation, what is/are the important requirement to complete this mechanism? A. It requires oxygen and tremendous energy B. It requires oxygen to initiate the process C. It requires nitrogenase and tremendous energy D. It requires less energy at the beginning and high energy at the end of the process The average score is 38% 0%