Categories Women Health

Anorexia : A eating disorder fear of overweight

Anorexia : A eating disorder fear of overweight

A review article by

Dr Sunil Kumar  Feel Free to Connet on Linkedin 

I am feeling like I am getting fat!

Should I lose some weight?

Am I overweight?

I will not eat today…

Does any of these thoughts come to your mind?

The idea that eating disorders are a lifestyle choice is one that is frequently held. In reality, eating disorders are severe, frequently fatal illnesses that are linked to substantial abnormalities in a person’s eating behaviour as well as associated thoughts and feelings. An eating disorder may also be indicated by an individual’s preoccupation with food, weight, or body image. Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder are examples of common eating disorders.

Anorexics aim to maintain the lowest possible weight by undereating, overexercising, or a combination of the two. They begin to hunger, which might make them very unwell.

They frequently have an inaccurate perception of their body, believing they are overweight even when they are underweight.

What BMI is dangerously underweight?

If yourbody mass index (BMI) below 18.5   BMI is: under 18.5kg/m2


Anorexia can affect both men and women of any age, however, it more frequently affects young women and usually begins in the middle of adolescence.

Anorexia nervosa is most frequently diagnosed in adolescent females, but it has also been identified in older, younger, and male patients. People with anorexia nervosa consume extremely low-calorie diets, have an excessive fear of gaining weight, and may also engage in excessive exercise.


Anorexia symptoms and signs

Anorexia symptoms and signs include:


  • If you’re over 18, your weight and height are below average for your age. If you’re over 18, your body mass index is extremely low. (BMI)
  • Missing meals, eating insufficiently, avoiding items you perceive as fatty, thinking you are overweight when in fact you are underweight, or taking medication to curb your appetite (appetite suppressants)
  • Your periods ceasing (if you haven’t reached menopause) or not starting (if you’re a younger woman or girl) physical issues include feeling woozy or lightheaded, hair loss, or dry skin.

Anorexia’s emotional and mental symptoms

  •     A strong sensitivity to acquiring weight.
  •     Not being able to accurately judge your body’s size and shape (having a distorted self-image).
  •     A compulsive fascination with food, calories, and dieting.
  •     Even though you are underweight, you feel “fat” or overweight.
  •     Aversion to particular foods or food groups.
  •     Being exceedingly self-critical.
  •     Denying the seriousness of your low body weight and/or dietary restriction.
  •     A burning desire to be in charge.
  •     Feeling agitated and/or down.
  •     Having suicidal or self-harming thoughts.

Anorexia health risks

Chronic anorexia can result in serious health issues linked to inadequate nutrition. (malnutrition). But as your eating patterns return to normal, these will typically start to get better.


Anorexia Potential issues include:

  • Problems with the muscles and bones, including osteoporosis, fatigue, and issues with young people’s physical development
  • Infertility issues
  • Decline in sex desire
  • Issues with the heart and blood arteries, such as swollen feet, hands, or faces, irregular heartbeats, low blood pressure, heart valve dysfunction, and heart failure. (oedema)
  • Problems with the brain and nerves, such as fits (seizures), memory loss, and attention issues, as well as renal or bowel issues
  • Having anaemia or a reduced immune system.
  • Your life may be in danger if you have anorexia. It’s one of the main reasons why people die from mental health issues. Anorexia-related deaths can occur by suicide or physical problems.


Weight loss management Improvement Key Points :

If you are overweight and have Diabetes, you must keep track of your physiological symptoms. The risk of getting a heart attack or kidney failure is very high. We know you can not go to the diagnosis lab every day but you could do this in a variety of ways, For example, INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are suffering from multiple complications like diabetes, blood pressure, heart issues. It helps to maintain good health and achieve a longer life.


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