Categories Stomach Issues

I have Blood in stool

I have Blood in stool: is it serious?

Blood in your stool, regardless of color, is abnormal. It could be caused by anything as basic as constipation making it difficult to poop, but it could also be caused by diseases like hemorrhoids, a gut infection, or even colon cancer. Blood in the stool—whether bright red or some other shade—should always be checked by a healthcare expert. Even though it might be brought on by a harmless ailment, it is usually preferable to rule out more serious causes.

Cancer is the disease that everyone fears the most, but there are many other reasons why you can have blood in your stool. There are numerous causes for having blood in your stool. One typical cause is hemorrhoids, or bulging veins in the lower rectum.

The following conditions can also result in blood in the stool:


  • Rectal prolapse
  • Rectal polyps
  • Ulcers in the rectum
  • Injury to the mucosa (lining tissue) in the colorectal system
  • Anal fissures
  • Diverticular bleeding
  • Inflammatory bowel diseases, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease
  • Colorectal cancer


Hemorrhoids, fissures, and prolapse, for example, can be associated to straining and constipation or, on the other hand, they might be related to having a lot of loose stools.


Finding the true cause of blood in stool can only be done in one way. Although though numerous conditions might result in blood in your stool, only a rectal examination and colonoscopy can adequately diagnose the issue.


Take attention to the appearance of the blood.


Blood in the stool can appear in a variety of ways, and the appearance of the blood might reveal information about what is happening inside your body.


The digestive tract of an adult, which includes the esophagus, stomach, and intestines, can be up to 30 feet long. Anywhere along this tract, blood can enter your stool. Your doctor can determine the issue if you give them a thorough description of the appearance and amount of blood.

Darker blood may come from further up in the colon, whereas bright red blood may come from anything low in the colon or rectum, such as diverticular bleeding or hemorrhoids. A problem in the small intestine or stomach may be indicated if the blood is more dark or tar-like.


If you wipe and only notice blood on the tissue, but not in your stool, your doctor should be consulted to rule out hemorrhoids or anal fissures.


There are several ways that blood from polyps or colorectal cancer might manifest. You might notice bright red blood similar to what you might see with hemorrhoids if a polyp or tumor is low in the rectum.

Dark red or black stools could be a symptom of slowly bleeding tumors near the start of the colon. Alternatively, tumors may leak minuscule amounts of blood, which may make your stool somewhat darker or may not affect its color at all. While blood in your stool may appear and disappear, it should still be taken seriously.

Don’t put off seeing your doctor just because the bleeding stops because malignancies sometimes bleed for a period before stopping.


Other indications that the blood in your stool may be cause for concern include the following:

  • Having Anemia or Feeling Faint
  • Breathlessness and Chest Discomfort
  • Abdominal, Pelvic, or Rectum Pain
  • Fevers
  • Nausea and Diarrhoea
  • Discomfort or Difficulty Swallowing
  • Jaundice
  • Unexpectedly Large Weight Loss


Rectal bleeding may, in some very serious circumstances, result in shock. Some of the signs of shock include:

  • Noticing a Sharp Decline in Your Blood Pressure.
  • Having a Quick Heartbeat.
  • Lacking the Ability to Urinate.
  • Unconsciousness Setting In.


Many health issues exist before any symptoms appear. This implies that if you do experience symptoms, you must treat them seriously.


We are aware that some persons with colorectal cancer don’t exhibit any symptoms at all. Your body is trying to communicate with you if there is blood in your stool. Don’t disregard it additional elements that could result in a change in colour or blood in your stools


Are there any foods that, like rectal bleeding, can alter the color of my stools?


Certain meals have the ability to change the color of your excrement. You can get a stool that is green, yellow, or even black. This can occur for a number of reasons, including consuming foods with intense color pigments or having a condition like celiac disease or inflammatory bowel disease that produces too much bile during digestion.


Blood frequently causes your stool to seem extremely dark and nearly black. Your excrement can appear unusually dark if you consume foods like red gelatin, black licorice, beets, dark berries (blueberries and blackberries), and beets. This might be mistaken for blood in your stool with ease.

While having a bowel movement and noticing particularly dark poop, consider your most recent meals. The likelihood exists that what you ate may have contributed to the unusually dark stool.


Can excessive bowel movement effort result in rectal bleeding?

Rectal bleeding can happen when you strain too much while having a bowel movement. Constipation and this are frequently connected. Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are two conditions that can result from straining. The skin around your anus can actually break from a very forceful bowel movement, allowing you to see blood. Constipation treatment can help stop this from happening.


Health Improvement Key Points :

As you proceed with treatment, your provider will likely ask you to keep track of your symptoms. You could do this in a variety of ways, For example, INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are suffering from multiple complications like diabetes, blood pressure, heart issues and obesity patient. It helps to maintain good health and achieve a longer life. Book a session with an expert now

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