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COVID-19 BF.7 variant

Updates to the COVID-19 BF.7 variant: The globe is now in risk because of Omicron subvariant BF.7, the variant that caused the recent increase in coronavirus cases in China. Three to four cases have reportedly been documented in India thus far, according to verified official sources at the health ministry.

According to sources, the new Omicron variety has a short incubation period and spreads swiftly. But up until now, it hasn’t really raised too many red flags.


What signs and symptoms are present in Omicron subvariant BF.7?

The signs of Omicron’s subvariant BF.7 resemble those of other subvariants quite a bit. Typical symptoms include a runny nose, sore throat, fever, cough, vomiting, fatigue, and diarrhoea.

On the other hand, people with compromised immune systems and pre-existing conditions are more likely to develop major diseases as a result of the variance.

Are you immunised?

The danger of catching this virus is higher in those who are not immunised or have compromised immune systems, such as the elderly, youngsters, pregnant women, and those who have a number of co-morbid conditions like cancer, uncontrolled diabetes, heart, or kidney issues.

What are the safety measures?

It is critical to abide by COVID regulations now more than ever with Christmas and New Year’s celebrations quickly approaching. Remember to put on your mask, follow social conventions regarding distance, and wash your hands periodically.


Patients who have been exposed to COVID-19 – Some patients who need hospitalisation for conditions unrelated to COVID-19 may have been in close proximity to someone who had the virus, including in the 48 hours before that person showed symptoms or tested positive.

In the absence of further testing, all symptomatic patients should be managed as though they have COVID-19.

Recommendations for quarantine for asymptomatic individuals may differ from those in the general public. The strategy for quarantine in these circumstances is laid out elsewhere.

Patients with past COVID-19 — Some patients who have recovered from COVID-19 and satisfied the requirements to stop taking precautions are later readmitted to the hospital.


The level of symptoms and the amount of time since the previous sickness determine the appropriate precautions for these people.

We employ the next strategy if the prior sickness began within the previous 90 days (or the initial positive test in individuals who were asymptomatic).

Patients who don’t exhibit any symptoms


Routine screening for SARS-CoV-2 (for instance, upon admission to the hospital) is not advised, and enhanced infection prevention precautions specific to COVID-19 are not necessary for the majority of patients who had confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection within the previous 90 days and are free of COVID-19 symptoms.

Patients with recent COVID-19 who are highly immunocompromised and have no symptoms may be an exception.

This covers recipients of solid organ transplants, allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants, chimeric antigen receptor T (CAR-T) cell therapy, patients with primary or secondary/acquired immunodeficiency diseases, and those undergoing B-cell-depleting therapies. Since prolonged viral shedding and/or clinical recrudescence have been documented in these patients, it is important to tailor testing and enhanced infection prevention measures in cooperation with an infection diseases specialist. Additionally, this strategy might be changed as new variations emerge, and regional institutional policies might change.

Following a fresh exposure, the requirement for quarantine in asymptomatic patients with COVID-19 is covered separately.


Patients exhibiting symptoms


In the interim, we take infection control measures for patients with suspected COVID-19 if they exhibit symptoms that are in line with COVID-19. Within this time span, reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 is possible, particularly with the Omicron form, which can re-infect people who have already contracted the Delta or other variations. There are other places where reinfection is discussed in more detail.


If the preceding disease started more than 90 days ago, the patient should be treated the same as people who have never had COVID-19.

What Must We Carry Out at Home?

Anyone who is ill at home should try to avoid other people and pets as much as possible in order to protect them.

If they must be around other people, they should wear a mask. Children under the age of two or anyone who can’t remove a mask on their own shouldn’t wear one. Check out the CDC’s guide for additional information on masks.

  • After coughing or sneezing, cover your mouth with a tissue, discard it, and immediately wash your hands. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If at all feasible, use a bathroom apart from other occupants of the house and remain in a bedroom.
  • Do not share eating utensils, glasses, cups, or dishes with other household members. Usage the dishwasher or very hot, soapy water to wash them after each use.
  • Do not share your towels or linens with anyone else in the residence.




  • If the sick person is unable to wear a mask, the caretakers should do so while they are in the same space.
  • Ensure that the airflow in the house’s communal areas is good. You can open a window, activate an air conditioner or air filter, or all three.
  • Don’t let guests inside your house. Children and adults are included in this.
  • Everyone in the household should wash their hands thoroughly and frequently. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer or wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Use the strongest detergent you can find and wash the ill person’s clothes, bedding, and towels. These can be cleaned in the same washing machine as other household clothes. If possible, wear gloves when handling their laundry. After handling the clothes, thoroughly wash your hands (even if you wore gloves).
  • Clean frequently touched items using a household cleaner or a wipe on a daily basis. These include telephones, counters, sink handles, toys, light switches, and remote controls. If at all possible, keep ill kids’ toys apart from other kids’ toys.


When Should I Contact a Physician?

Call your doctor right away if the person you’re caring for appears to be growing sicker. Inform the doctor of your symptoms and whether you have had a COVID-19 test.

If a visit to the doctor is required:


  • A mask should be worn by the person.
  • Have tissues on hand in case someone has to sneeze or cough.


If the person has problems breathing, is disoriented, or is extremely sleepy, go to the emergency hospital or dial 100.


What Else Do I Need to Know?

Keep taking these precautions if you’re caring for someone who has COVID-19 or is exhibiting symptoms until your doctor or the local health department says it’s okay to stop. Inform anyone else who may have come into contact with the infected individual recently because they need to get tested.

Depending on the virus or new facts about how it spreads, different countries may have different recommendations for how long to isolate.

Call your doctor’s office, your child’s school system, or your neighbourhood health department to acquire the most recent and pertinent information for your family. The CDC can assist you in locating the local health authority.


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A review article by

Dr Bhavna Kalvala (Clinical Research Director @ IEEARC Tech)


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