FAQ Digital Diagnosis

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Digital Diagnosis

What is Digital Screening and how it works?

It works online with few data points to analyse the patient. First, we replicate the human physiology to data points and then we analyze the trend and pattern in your health we understand the risk by seeing if the pattern is broken. We use the vast amount of patient data and earlier responses with exact pattern trends and with deep analysis we try to learn how patients become healthy to unhealthy and estimate the future risk.

I am taking a full body checkup so how this process can be helpful?

So full body checkup it’s not enough because that is your today current health and you still have to rest for 11 months where the body silently changes due to diet, medicine, and environmental changes.

I am a Diabetes / Blood Pressure patient how can it help?

It will help you to understand the trend and estimate the future risk and if you are taking any medicine then it helps to understand If that medicine work or causes reaction side effects. More often patients do tests at home with a glucometer/ BP machine the blood sugar reading or blood pressure reading also HBA1C every 3 months. There are two parameters we record for patient Physiological and Health data INIGIMA Maintain the reading and also explain according to the international guideline.

I am overweight my primary goal is to reduce weight why should I use INIGIMA Digital Screening?

Definitely, the primary goal is to reduce weight but if you are overweight and by the time you are Diabetes or Blood Pressure Patient this will not solve your problem. It does reduce the risk but still, you must closely monitor the Blood Pressure / Blood Sugar parameters.

How frequently do we need to update the data?

It depends upon the Age, Patient’s condition and Doctor’s Guidelines and objective of Screening. We process the data 2 times every 15 days.

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