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Gastritis Cause & Solution

Gastritis Cause Effect and Solution

The mucosa is the protective mucus lining that lines your stomach. Your stomach’s lining shields it from the powerful stomach acid that aids in food digestion. The protecting mucosa gets inflamed and leads to gastritis when something weakens or harms it. The most frequent bacterial cause of gastritis is a kind of bacterium known as Helicobacter pylori.

What distinguishes indigestion from gastritis?

Indigestion symptoms can resemble those of gastropathy. Indigestion is a stomach ache or discomfort brought on by trouble digesting food. It could feel like a burning sensation between your lower ribs. You might hear the medical word dyspepsia used to describe indigestion.


How widespread is gastritis?

About 8 out of every 1,000 people get acute (sudden) gastritis. Long-term, chronic gastritis is less frequent. It affects approximately 2 out of 10,000 people.


Who could develop gastritis?


As you become older, your risk of developing gastritis increases. The stomach linings of older people are thinner, their circulation is reduced, and their metabolism and mucosal regeneration are slower. Additionally, older persons are more likely to be taking medications like NSAIDs, which are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that can lead to gastritis. The prevalence of H. pylori infection is about two thirds of the global population. Elderly persons and members of lower socioeconomic categories are more likely to have H. pylori.


There are a few signs and symptoms of gastritis including:

  • Gnawing or burning ache or pain (indigestion) in your upper abdomen that may become either worse or better with eating
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • A feeling of fullness in your upper abdomen after eating

BUT remember sometimes Gastritis doesn’t always cause signs and symptoms.

What kinds of gastritis are there?

The two basic forms of gastritis are as follows:

Erosive (reactive): Erosive gastritis results in both stomach lining erosion and inflammation. Reactive gastritis is another name for this illness. Alcohol, smoking, NSAIDs, corticosteroids, viral or bacterial infections, stress from diseases or injuries, and corticosteroids are some of the causes.


Non-erosive: Stomach lining inflammation that does not cause erosion or compromise the lining.



Why does gastritis occur?


Gastritis develops when the stomach lining is harmed or weakened (mucosa). The issue may be caused by a variety of factors, including:

Abuse of alcohol: Prolonged drinking can irritate and damage the stomach lining.

Autoimmune disease: In certain people, the stomach lining’s healthy cells are attacked by the immune system.

Bacterial infection: Peptic ulcer illness and chronic gastritis are mostly brought on by the H. pylori bacterium (stomach ulcers). Inflammation is brought on by the bacteria’s destruction of the stomach’s barrier lining.

Reflux of bile: Your liver produces bile to aid in the digestion of fatty foods. Reflux is a reflowing action. When bile bypasses the small intestine and instead rushes back into the stomach, this condition is known as bile reflux.


What symptoms are present in gastritis?


There are many cases of gastritis without symptoms. When symptoms do occur, many people mistake them for indigestion. Additional indications of gastritis include:


  • Loss of appetite.
  • Stomach ulcers.
  • Upper abdominal (belly) pain or discomfort.
  • Feeling extra full during or after a meal.
  • Nausea and vomiting sometimes blood.
  • Losing weight without meaning to.
  • Black, tarry stool.
  • Bloating.



How is gastroenteritis identified?

Your doctor will examine you physically and inquire about your medical history and symptoms.

Your doctor might also recommend one or more of the following tests:


  • Breath test
  • Blood test
  • Stool test
  • Upper endoscopy
  • Upper gastrointestinal (GI) exam



How is gastroenteritis managed?


Depending on the reason, there are many treatments for gastritis. While some medicines treat symptoms of dyspepsia, others kill bacteria. Your healthcare professional might advise:


The bacterial infection may be treated with antibiotics. For a few weeks, you might need to take many different kinds of antibiotics.


Calcium carbonate drugs that act as antacids lessen exposure to stomach acid. They could aid in reducing inflammation. Heartburn can also be treated with antacids like Tums® and Rolaids®.


Histamine (H2) blockers: Drugs like ranitidine (Zantac®), cimetidine (Tagamet®), and other analogs reduce the formation of stomach acid.


Proton pump inhibitors: These drugs lessen the amount of acid your stomach generates. Examples include omeprazole (Prilosec®) and esomeprazole (Nexium®). Proton pump inhibitors also cure gastroesophageal reflux disease and stomach ulcers (GERD).



What side effects might gastritis cause?


Untreated gastritis can result in major issues like:

Anemia: H. pylori can cause gastritis or stomach ulcers (bleeding sores in your stomach), which lowers red blood cell numbers (called anemia).


Pernicious Anemia: Autoimmune gastritis can interfere with the body’s absorption of vitamin B12. Pernicious anemia can develop if you don’t obtain enough B12 to produce enough healthy red blood cells.


Peritonitis: Gastritis can aggravate stomach ulcers, which is peritonetis. Stomach ulcers that penetrate the stomach wall might cause the contents to leak into the abdomen. Bacterial translocation, also known as peritonitis, is a serious infection that can be brought on by this rupture. Additionally, sepsis, a widespread inflammation, may result. Sepsis is often lethal.


Stomach cancer: Growths in the stomach lining can be brought on by autoimmune illness and gastroenteritis brought on by H. pylori. Your risk of stomach cancer rises as a result of these growths.



How can gastritis be avoided?


One of the main causes of gastritis is H. pylori, however most people are unaware they have the infection. The germs can spread quickly. By maintaining excellent hygiene, especially hand washing, you can lessen your risk of contracting an infection.


You can also take action to reduce heartburn and indigestion. Gastritis is associated with several disorders. Among the preventive steps are:


  • Avoiding foods that are fried, spicy, acidic, or greasy.
  • Reducing caffeine consumption.
  • Consuming a number of little meals during the day.
  • Controlling stress.
  • Avoiding NSAID use.
  • Lowering alcohol intake.
  • After a meal, avoid resting down for two to three hours.


Key Points :

INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are a Gastritis patient and also multiple complications like diabetes blood pressure obesity patient. It helps to maintain good health and helps to achieve a longer life. Book a session with an expert now

A review article by

Dr Bhavna Kalvala

(Clinical Research Director @ IEEARC Tech)


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