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Headache due to Sinusitis or Migraine

Headaches due to Sinusitis or Migraine


A review article by

Dr Sunil Kumar  Feel Free to Connet on Linkedin 

Sinusitis, or sinus congestion and inflammation, can result in sinus headaches. In turn, allergies like hay fever or a respiratory illness like the flu or cold lead to sinusitis.


Mucus can drain from the sinuses and air can flow freely through the nasal passages when they are healthy. Sinuses that are inflamed become blocked and unable to clear mucus. Sinuses that are obstructed give bacteria, viruses, and fungi a place to dwell and thrive. Although a cold is the most typical reason, anything that keeps the sinuses from draining might result in sinusitis.

The sinuses are lined by a thin membrane that resembles the nose. The membrane may swell up as a result of an infection or allergy, creating pressure and discomfort. In addition to creating pressure, fluid accumulation in the sinuses can also do so.


Cheeks, the bridge of the nose, the region above the nose, or the crown of the head may all experience sinus pain. Depending on the reason, the pain may be felt on either both sides or just one side.


Some people discover that coughing, stooping over, or bending over makes the pain worse. When bending over, the pain can occasionally spread to the teeth.

Sinus pain can be a temporary issue or a chronic one. For example

Chronic — lasts longer than 8 weeks Recurrent — occurs more than three times annually Acute — lasts less than 4 weeks Subacute — lasts between 4 and 8 weeks


How Infections trigger Sinusitis or sinus


Viral infections frequently cause sinus headaches, according to a reliable source. However, fungus or bacteria can also cause sinus infections occasionally.


The body creates more mucus and the sinuses swell during a sinus infection. This alone may give you a sinus headache.


However, a person may get a bacterial infection if bacteria start to thrive inside the sinuses. The bacteria release gases that increase nasal pressure and pain.


The following are signs of a sinus infection:


Teeth ache, postnasal drip, thick mucus after blowing the nose, blocked or runny nose, mucus in the throat, Diminished ability to smell, Noxious breath



Risk Elements


History of asthma or allergies, particularly hay fever

Nasal bone spurs, nasal or face tumors, nasal polyps or swellings in the nasal canal, deviated septum, or cleft palate

Reaching high elevations by flight or ascent

Regular diving or swimming



Migraines or sinusitis?


Since the signs and symptoms of the two forms of headaches may resemble one another, migraines and sinusitis headaches are simple to confuse. Additionally, each person is affected differently by migraines, and symptoms might alter over time. This is why many people who have previously experienced migraine headaches are taken aback when they start experiencing sinus and nasal symptoms alongside a migraine headache.


But unlike migraines, which frequently include nausea and vomiting as well as an aversion to loud noises and bright lights, sinusitis rarely has these characteristics.


Sinusitis usually occurs after a viral upper respiratory infection or cold, and includes thick, discolored nasal mucus, decreased sense of smell, and pain in one cheek or upper teeth. Headaches due to sinus disease often last days or longer, and migraines most commonly last hours to a day or two.


Precise diagnosis is very important

Finding the source of headaches can be challenging. Your doctor will conduct a physical examination and question you about your headaches.


One of the most effective ways is to record your symptoms in INIGIMA Digital screening for example if you getting pain in the morning or night, any weakness and other feelings that will help you and your doctor to get a precise treatment for you by analysing the trend and pattern of headaches.

A CT scan or MRI may be used to identify the source of your headache. Your care team will collaborate with you to choose the most appropriate method for you from among the several ways to treat headaches.

If you experience headache symptoms more than 15 days a month, over-the-counter pain relievers are ineffective, or you frequently miss work or school due to headaches, speak with your health care physician.

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