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Your body will overheat, which might result in heatstroke, a potentially fatal condition.

It is described as having a body temperature greater than 104 F. (40 degrees Celsius).

The most serious type of hyperthermia, or a disease brought on by excessive heat, is heatstroke, often known as sunstroke.

Heatstroke can cause death, organ failure, or brain damage.


Heatstroke comes in two different forms:

Exertional heatstroke:

Heatstroke brought on by physical exertion in hot, muggy weather is known as exertional heatstroke. It may take a few hours to develop.

Non-exertional heatstroke :

Classic heatstroke, also known as non-exertional heatstroke, can happen as a result of ageing or underlying medical issues. It typically takes several days to develop.


Are heatstroke and heat exhaustion the same thing?


Both heatstroke and heat exhaustion are examples of hyperthermia. If neglected, heat exhaustion can turn into heatstroke. Nonetheless, heat exhaustion is generally not a life-threatening condition, is not as severe as heatstroke, and does not result in neurological issues.

What causes heatstroke?


Heatstroke can happen to anyone. Yet, because to potential limitations in their bodies’ capacity to adequately regulate temperature, newborns and the elderly are particularly at risk. Heatstroke can also happen to persons who work physically demanding jobs in hot areas, such as athletes, soldiers, and people in other professions.


Your risk of heatstroke is also increased by the following factors:


What brings on a heatstroke?


When your body is unable to cool itself down, heatstroke happens. The brain’s hypothalamus, which regulates a number of internal processes, governs your body’s core temperature. Usually, it sets your thermostat to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit (37 degrees Celsius). Yet, if your body absorbs more heat than it expels, the set-point for your internal temperature is exceeded.


Heatstroke / sunstroke  symptoms



What are some possible heatstroke complications?

Individuals who have heatstroke may go into shock or a coma. Having a high body temperature can cause:



Treatment of sunstroke: Learn how is heat exhaustion managed.


Medical attention must be provided right away for heatstroke. Try to keep the person as calm as you can while you wait for an ambulance by:




Health Improvement Key Points :

As you proceed with treatment, your provider will likely ask you to keep track of your symptoms. You could do this in a variety of ways, For example, INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are suffering from multiple complications like diabetes, blood pressure, heart issues and obesity patient. It helps to maintain good health and achieve a longer life. Book a session with an expert now

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