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What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids  are typically brought on by straining during bowel movements, being overweight, or increased pressure brought on by pregnancy. Hemorrhoids frequently persist by the middle of life. Around half of people have at least one of the common symptoms, which include rectal pain, itching, bleeding, and perhaps prolapse, by the age of 50. (hemorrhoids that protrude through the anal canal). Hemorrhoids can be an annoying and uncomfortable intrusion, despite the fact that they are rarely hazardous.


Hemorrhoids come in two varieties: internal haemorrhoids that develop in the lower rectum and external haemorrhoids that form under the skin around the anus. The most unpleasant haemorrhoids are those that are external because the surrounding skin becomes inflamed and erodes.

Everyone has haemorrhoids (or piles), the pillow-like groupings of veins that are found immediately below the mucous membranes lining the anus and the lowest portion of the rectum. When those veins swell and distend, much like varicose veins in the legs, haemorrhoids (also known as piles) or haemorrhoids occur. Some people think haemorrhoids are a price we pay for being upright creatures because the blood vessels involved must constantly fight gravity to get blood back up to the heart.

The pain may come on suddenly and be very intense if a blood clot develops inside an external haemorrhoid. A bulge may be visible or palpable around the anus. The excess skin (a skin tag), which may itch or become itchy, is left behind after the clot typically resolves.


Even when they bleed, internal haemorrhoids usually cause little pain. For instance, you might notice bright red blood trickling into the toilet bowl or on the toilet paper. Moreover, internal haemorrhoids have the potential to prolapse, or extend outside of the anus. A hemorrhoid’s protrusion can collect microscopic stools and mucus, which can irritate the skin and lead to pruritus ani. It can get worse if you keep wiping to try to stop the itching.


Hemorrhoids are a common problem for pregnant and new mothers. The blood vessels in your pelvic area are put under additional strain because to the pressure of carrying a baby inside of you. When giving delivery, straining to push the baby out puts additional pressure on these blood arteries.


Why do haemorrhoids develop?

Hemorrhoids are extremely typical. Hemorrhoids are a common occurrence in people’s lives.

Hemorrhoids have historically been linked to persistent constipation, straining during bowel movements, and extended use of the toilet. These conditions all impair blood flow to and from the area, which causes it to pool and expand the vessels. Also, this explains why haemorrhoids are frequent during pregnancy since the uterus’s growing size puts pressure on the veins.


Recent research indicates that haemorrhoid patients typically have higher resting anal canal tone, or tighter anal canal smooth muscle, than the general population (even when not straining). Constipation exacerbates these issues since straining during a bowel movement raises the anal canal’s pressure and presses the haemorrhoids up against the sphincter muscle.


You are more likely to get hemorrhoids if you:


  •     Are pregnant
  •     Sit on the toilet for too long
  •     Are obese
  •     Do things that make you strain more, such as heavy lifting
  •     Have a family history of hemorrhoids
  •     Have long-term or chronic constipation or diarrhea
  •     Are between 45 and 65 years old


Which foods should I stay away from if I have haemorrhoids?

  • Avoid eating too many low-fiber foods, such as cheese, if chronic constipation is the root cause of your haemorrhoids.
  • Chips
  • Fast meals
  • Ice cream, Meat,
  • Prepared foods (like some frozen and snack items)
  • Processed foods (like some microwaveable entrees and hot dogs), and so on.


For haemorrhoids, are there any natural remedies?


The very good news is that neither form of haemorrhoid is harmful, and serious complications requiring medical attention are quite uncommon. Using a few natural remedies and self-care techniques can frequently relieve symptoms.


Set up a sitz bath. Fill a tub three to four inches deep with warm water—not hot—and sit in it with your knees bent for 10 to 15 minutes to reduce itching and irritation. Use a towel to gently pat yourself dry, not to rub.


Consume fibre supplements. They aid in reducing haemorrhoid bleeding and inflammation by drawing water into your stools and facilitating their easy passage. A decent option is a psyllium husk fibre supplement like Metamucil or a generic version. Use a supplement with wheat dextrin (Benefiber) or methylcellulose if psyllium produces gas or bloating (Citrucel).


To reduce discomfort. Use over-the-counter medications that reduce itch and shrink inflammatory tissue. Try witch hazel-infused Tucks pads or calming creams with lidocaine, hydrocortisone, or phenylephrine (Preparation H).


Also, you can take action to stop flare-ups.


Do not wait. Delaying bowel movements might result in stool backing up, which puts more strain and pressure on your haemorrhoids.

Sit properly. Avoid spending too much time on the toilet as this might cause haemorrhoids to push out and swell.

Elevating your feet with a step stool as you sit will help things move forward more quickly.

Your rectum is moved in this way to make it easier for stools to pass. Moreover, sitting on a chair or other hard surface while utilising a cushion beneath you helps reduce swelling.

Keep it tidy. Use a calming baby wipe, a cotton cloth soaked in warm water, or a witch hazel pad to gently clean your anal area after each bowel movement. Use petroleum jelly or aloe vera gel if you have any irritation thereafter.


Health Improvement Key Points :

As you proceed with treatment, your provider will likely ask you to keep track of your symptoms. You could do this in a variety of ways, For example, INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are suffering from multiple complications like diabetes, blood pressure, heart issues and obesity patient. It helps to maintain good health and achieve a longer life. Book a session with an expert now

A review article by

Dr Sunil Kumar  Feel Free to Connet on Linkedin 

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