Chronic kidney disease is the sixth fastest-growing cause of death globally and around 1.7 million people are estimated to die annually because of acute kidney injury globally. In India, it is estimated that a population of over 7.8 million people are living with chronic kidney diseases.

Dr Vijay Kumar is Diabetologist had already treated thousands of patients with many complications. He said in conversation the patient is normally unaware of condition complications of diabetes and kidney disorder that lead to critical complications in future
One of the main jobs of your kidneys is to filter your blood. They get rid of extra fluid and waste products from your body through your urine.
High blood glucose (sugar) levels can damage the small blood vessels and tiny filters in your kidneys. High blood pressure can also do this too. This can cause them to leak and not work as well. When this happens, abnormal amounts of protein from the blood can leave your body in your urine. This is often an early sign of kidney disease.
What steps we can take?
Your likelihood of contracting this condition can be significantly decreased by making small lifestyle modifications. Therefore, effort should be done to change the changeable factors—lifestyle and dietary habits—that influence the development of this condition in order to prevent it.
However, increasing adherence to this pattern is of significant public health relevance because healthy eating as a strategy, promoting walking, exercise and other physical activities that have positive effects on human health and prevention or treatment of diabetes.

“The best part of Dr Vijay Kumar he cares for the patient even after the patient left his clinic he always monitors the blood sugar, and blood pressure and analyzes the patient’s condition and medication effects track for side effects while the patient is at home with INIGIMA Cloud Diagnosis. This also helps to predict future diseases so the doctors are one step ahead to give better care and treatment.”