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Manage the risk by Dr Vijay Kumar MBBS MD

How many of you are Diabetic, Blood Pressure, and Heart Issue Patient?

But if I ask you, do you aware of your risk state, at present situation how many chances are there to get any critical complication?


I will give the answer, but do you remember the Covid-19 Situation, almost 70% who lost their lives had a pre-existing condition of lifestyle disease i.e. Diabetic, Blood Pressure, and Heart Issue Patient obesity.
So why a specific group of patients that you need to understand?

Lifestyle disease is very different from other diseases it gradually and slowly attacks when we are not disciplined about our health means regular check-ups, continue monitoring, regular medicine, and understanding medicine response.

There are 20 % of cases which are silent cases but we have an 80 % of chance to predict future diseases that can be solved from today onwards.

INIGIMA Users are taking a healthy-driven approach compared to before for a very simple reason now they know precisely what is the problem that I need to solve. Understanding future health is not for making anyone fearful or depressed it means now we have time to solve the problem that is risk management.



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