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Intermittent fasting and Diabetes?

Small health talk with Dr Vijay Intermittent fasting and Diabetes?

Dr Vijay Kumar told in the interview with IEEARC Health team he said losing weight can lower the chance of developing diabetic problems, which may be aided by intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is safe, however, because blood sugar levels fluctuate before, during, and after fasting periods, patients with diabetes may be at risk of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.


The long-term dangers and advantages of intermittent fasting for patients with diabetes require further study.

A type of diet called intermittent fasting entails restricting your mealtimes and then going for a set amount of time without eating much at all. The duration of the fasting phase can range from a few hours to several days. According to certain studies, intermittent fasting may help diabetics lose weight among other things. However, significant dietary changes may result in hazardous fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Experienced handling a critical diabetic patient and now they are coming back to a normal state through lifestyle changes and the medication process. The best part of Dr Vijay he tracks and monitors the patient’s health performance by INIGIMA Cloud Diagnosis and that actually helps in precise and effective treatment for the patient.

Experience of handling a critical diabetic patient and now they are coming back to a normal state through lifestyle changes and the medication process. The best part of Dr Vijay he tracks and monitors the patient’s health performance by INIGIMA Cloud Diagnosis and that actually helps in precise and effective treatment for the patient.

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