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Intermittent Fasting and Lose Weight?

What Is the Health Benefit of Intermittent Fasting?

Let’s look at what happens at the cellular and hormonal levels when you fast intermittently to find the answer to this question. When you fast, a lot of things happen at the cellular and molecular levels. For instance, your body starts adjusting hormone levels so that any body fat that has been stored is easier to reach.

Your cells then start important repair procedures and change. While you are fasting, the following changes take place:

  • Human growth hormone (HGH) levels soar, sometimes rising by a factor of five. This helps with fat loss and muscle building.
  • You’ll become more sensitive to insulin. Your insulin levels will drop dramatically while you’re fasting, which makes it easier to reach body fat that has been stored.
  • Cellular repair is triggered when you fast. Cell repair is exemplified by autophagy.
  • Intermittent fasting causes changes in gene expression that improve longevity and disease resistance by removing and digesting old cells and the defective proteins that have accumulated inside.

These alterations in cellular, hormonal, and gene expression all contribute to the numerous health advantages of this fasting technique.

Is intermittent fasting beneficial for losing weight?

Because intermittent fasting results in weight loss, the majority of individuals give it a try. Intermittent fasting reduces calorie intake by requiring fewer meals. This has an immediate impact on insulin and hormone levels, which support weight loss.

Additionally, fasting encourages the release of norepinephrine, a hormone that burns fat. Even after a brief fast, your metabolic rate increases by 3.6 to 14%. You can change the calorie equation and encourage weight loss by eating fewer calories and burning more calories.

Numerous studies have shown that intermittent fasting is a useful weight-loss strategy. A University of Illinois at Chicago study from 2014 found that intermittent fasting resulted in weight loss of up to 8% over a 24-week period.

Compared to other approaches, this weight loss is significant. According to the same study, those who practise intermittent fasting can reduce their belly and waist fat by up to 7%, which is known to be a risk factor for disease. The study’s participants lost about 0.55 pounds a week on average.

Exercise is essential in addition to IF because it has been shown to promote muscle growth and fat loss.


Most common ways of Intermittent Fasting

There are various approaches to intermittent fasting. The most widely used techniques are:


  1. 16-8 Approach


Additionally known as the Leangains protocol.

You will then skip breakfast and limit your eating window to eight hours.


For instance, you might eat between 1 and 9 p.m., yet the following 16 hours would be spent fasting.


  1. Eat-Stop-Eat


On this programme, you will fast once or twice a week for 24 hours.

On days when you are not fasting, eat normally.


  1. 5:2 Diet


In this strategy, you typically eat for five days and limit your calorie intake to 500 to 600 calories on Tuesday and Thursday, which are days when you don’t succeed in losing weight.

  1. Alternate-day fasting

Alternate-day fasting is a simple-to-remember pattern for intermittent fasting. On this diet, you can eat whatever you want on the days that you don’t fast.


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