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Knee Pain in the Cold

When the temperature drops, some persons with injuries or arthritis experience an increase in knee pain. So What Leads to Knee Pain in the Cold?


Joint Pain INIGIMA

Studies on how the weather may impact knee and other joint pain have produced conflicting results. Even though there has been extensive research, there is still no conclusive proof of a connection.

But there are some theories among scientists.

Potential Causes


One attributes the problem to barometric pressure, which is a gauge of air weight. Usually, the barometric pressure drops when a cold front approaches. Consequently, the air exerts less pressure on your body. This could cause swelling in your tendons, muscles, joints, or scar tissue, which would hurt.


Changes in barometric pressure make certain people pain more, regardless of the temperature. That holds true particularly when it changes quickly. High atmospheric moisture content (humidity) also contributes.


Another theory holds that cold weather causes the synovial fluid that fills your joints to thicken. Your joints may become more rigid and painful as a result.

Blood is diverted from your arms and legs to your heart and lungs, which are important organs, when the weather is cold. This is an attempt by your body to keep them warm. Your joints, however, may become more painful as a result of the loss of body heat.


Your muscles also contract as a result of the cold. You become less flexible as a result, increasing your risk of soreness or injury.


Personal Changes


Winter weather may also cause changes in your temperament and way of life, which might exacerbate knee discomfort.

One reason is that gloomy days could worsen your mood. Your pain may feel more severe if you’re depressed or sad.

Additionally, you probably spend less time outside on chilly and rainy days than you do on hot, bright days. That can imply that you work out less, which will probably result in more discomfort and stiffness.

Another hypothesis holds that tenderness can increase if vitamin D levels are low. The sun provides vitamin D for you. So you could fail when you’re inside hibernating. Low vitamin D levels have been associated in several studies to worsening pain. If you think a supplement would be helpful, ask your doctor.


Tips for Feeling Better

Whatever the science claims, if you have more pain in your knees in cooler weather, the agony you are experiencing is genuine.

To cope, try these steps:


  1. When you’re outside, dress warmly and don caps, scarves, and gloves. Wraps, leggings, and tights can increase the warmth around your knees.
  2. To increase circulation and relax muscles, apply moist heat. A warm bath might be helpful.
  3. Even if you don’t want to exercise outside, keep moving. Exercise strengthens the muscles and bones around your knees, relieving pressure on the joint. Consider doing yoga, which also improves flexibility. Or you can swim in a hot pool to loosen yourself.
  4. Don’t overwork your body when performing routine duties. Give those bulky boxes to someone else to lift.
  5. By consuming healthful foods and maintaining a healthy weight, you can take good care of yourself. Your joints are put under pressure by extra weight.
  6. Get adequate rest. Lack of sleep might exacerbate your discomfort.
  7. Stay upbeat. Shift your focus away from the discomfort and engage in activities that make you happy.
  8. If taking these actions doesn’t work, talk to your doctor about medication or other choices for treatment.

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