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Life expectancy reduced due to Covid

Life expectancy reduced by two years due to Covid

Scientists from the city’s International Institute for Population Studies have conducted a statistical analysis that shows the Covid-19 epidemic has reduced life expectancy in India by two years. Another study by the University of Oxford stated that the pandemic reduced life expectancy in 2020 by the largest amount since World War 2.



The Covid India Application Programming Interface (API) site and data gathered by the 145-nation Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study were both used by the IIPS study for analysis. According to the study, when it came to the impact on mortality, India was in the middle, with a 2-year drop in life expectancy at birth compared to increases of over a year in the US, England, and Wales, and 2.28 years in Spain. “The #covid19 impact has reversed the gains we made in raising the life expectancy figure over the last ten years,” At birth, India’s life expectancy is unchanged from 2010. He continued, “It will take us years to catch up.” However, according to Dr. K. S. James, director of IIPS, various epidemics have in the past affected statistics for life expectancy at birth. It is a dynamic number that is ever-changing. The HIV/AIDS epidemic caused a significant decline in life expectancy in Africa, but this was quickly reversed, according to James. According to a specialist who wished to remain anonymous, a decline of two years is excessive when taking into account the Covid toll data from the central health ministry. “The drop seems fine only if the case fatality rate was greater at 3 or more as suggested by individual statisticians,”

According to IIPS assistant professor Surayakant Yadav, whose research was just published in the esteemed journal “BMC Public Health,” life expectancy at birth for men and women has decreased from 69.5 years and 72 years in 2019 to 67.5 years and 69.8 years, respectively, in 2020. A newborn’s “life expectancy at birth” is the average number of years they can anticipate to live if future mortality trends mirror those at the time of their birth. The new study also considered “length of life inequality,” or the variation in lifespan among populations, and discovered that men in the 35–69 age group suffered the most from COVID. According to the author, “the 35-79 age group experienced excess mortality caused by Covid in 2020 compared to usual years, and it is this group that has greatly contributed to the drop.”

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Ref :

The Lancet’s May 11 publication S2213-2600(22)00126-6


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