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Philosophy of patient monitoring

The aim and philosophy of  INIGIMA patient monitoring

According to the Clinical Research Director of IEEARC Dr Bhavna Kalvala “Patient monitoring seeks to provide early or dangerous deterioration warnings by finding the best balance among numerous clinical, engineering, and financial design considerations.”


  1. Reduce Risk of Disease Transmission and Progression


When a patient tests positive for any lifestyle disease like Diabetes Blood Pressure, Heart Issues, home-based monitoring for symptom escalation can assist lower the risk of sudden death due to heart attack or stroke and can help focus the prompt delivery of hospital-based therapy, should that be necessary.


  1. Faster Access to Better Patient Data

Nowadays Portable health devices used in remote patient monitoring give healthcare providers faster access to accurate patient data. Such devices include implantable devices, biometric sensors, pulse oximeters, blood pressure , glucometers, and more. When incorporated into remote patient monitoring solutions, these devices and the data they provide can help accelerate diagnoses and facilitate timely treatment plan changes.


  1. Improved Patient Outcomes

Many studies have shown that the use of remote patient monitoring solutions results in patients experiencing a lower risk of rehospitalization and mortality across various medical use cases, including implanted cardiac defibrillators.



INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are suffering from multiple complications like diabetes, blood pressure, heart issues and obesity patient. It helps to maintain good health and helps to achieve a longer life. Book a session with an expert now

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