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Mobile Phone silently kills the power of the brain

Our mobile phone silently kills the power of the brain also hijacking your dopamine and destroying your focus.

Have you ever felt the twinge of anxiety when you are forced to be away from your phone?
Your phone addiction is ruining your:
• Mood
• Focus
• Motivation
• Productivity
• Sleep quality
Here are some tips I would like to share that may help
1 ) Allocation of time to App 
Use an app time schedule to set a time to use a particular app like instagram or Facebook messenger etc.
2) Delete less-used apps 
I feel we keep multiple apps just to see and forgot to uninstall you really don’t need to be using every
• social app
• gaming app
• messenger app
ALL social media from my phone. If it’s a distraction, get rid of it. One more thing you get extra space in your phone.
3) Adjust your settings
This going to sound weird.
Use your phone to stay off your phone.
a) Set parental controls
b) Silence notifications when working
Some apps you just can’t get rid of.
For those, use “focus mode” to be more present.
4) Avoid charging your phone in your bedroom or where you can easily access
Charging it near your bed encourages late-night scrolling.
Charge it across the room. Or better yet, in another room.
Extra bonus: You’re less likely to snooze your alarm.

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