Globally, diabetes affects 463 million people and kills 1.5 million people annually. The rate of growth is worrying, and soon India will be referred to be the world’s diabetes capital. The best defence against this sickness is awareness. Type-1, Type-2, gestational diabetes, and diabetes from other causes are the many types of diabetes (pancreatic, steroid-induced, etc).
Men and women of various ages, in both urban and rural populations, are affected by diabetes. Numerous things, including family history, race, ethnicity, obesity, stress, and sedentary behaviour, are risk factors. Common misconceptions debunked: 5 hours of sleep is not enough and can be fatal. Lack of sleep over an extended period is dangerous to health.
Why is sleep so crucial?
Given that the illness is a lifestyle disorder, sleep is crucial in managing it. Diabetes can lower sleep quality by generating swings in blood sugar levels, both high and low. The variation in blood sugar levels might disrupt sleep, resulting in fatigue during the day. Patients with high blood sugars have significant weight loss, increased hunger and thirst, and excessive urine, which causes the patient to repeatedly wake up at night and disrupt their sleep. On the other hand, low glucose might result in nightmares, and patients could feel disoriented and exhausted when they wake up. Poor sleep quality can result from sugar level variations.
However, the patient’s sugar levels may change if he had a restless night. Reduced sleep can raise stress chemicals like cortisol, which can lead to hyperglycemia. Insulin resistance is also elevated by sleep deprivation. There are additional factors that affect this. Patients who have abnormal sleep patterns, for instance, may also have inconsistent eating patterns. Their diets are unpredictable because they frequently eat the incorrect things at strange times. Lack of sleep causes levels of the hormones ghrelin, which causes hunger, and leptin, which causes fullness, to drop. A person is more likely to gain weight, become obese, and have poor diabetes management if they get less sleep, feel exhausted, and frequently eat foods that raise blood sugar levels. Due to sleep loss, people may find it challenging to manage their blood sugar levels and engage in regular exercise. It may also result in increased mental stress and cognitive deterioration. Obstructive sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome are more likely to occur in people with type 2 diabetes.
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“The best part of Dr Vijay Kumar he cares for the patient even after the patient left his clinic he always monitors the blood sugar, and blood pressure and analyzes the patient’s condition and medication effects track for side effects while the patient is at home with INIGIMA Cloud Diagnosis. This also helps to predict future diseases so the doctors are one step ahead to give better care and treatment.”