Summer Skin Problems

Summer Skin Problems



Many Indian engage in outdoor activities in the summer. Rashes are another common problem. These rashes may result from •      heat rash (or prickly heat)

  • Sunburn and sunlight
  • Bites and stings
  • Sweating a lot


Summertime can also make allergies and pre-existing skin issues worse.

Due to their frequently more sensitive skin, babies are particularly prone to skin rashes.

Summer rash types


There are many different kinds of skin rashes; here are a few that tend to occur more frequently in the summer.

Burning heat or prickly heat


Your sweat ducts become blocked and inflamed is what causes heat rash or prickly heat. Heat and a high humidity level might make this worse. Heat rash may result in:

  • Little lumps,
  • Boils, or red areas
  • Redness,
  • Minor swelling, and an irksome itch and prickling feeling in the afflicted area

Sweat tends to congeal in several areas, which include:

  •     your armpits
  •     your back
  •     under your breasts
  •     your chest
  •     your neck
  •     your groin
  •     crooks of your elbows and knees
  •     your waist


It’s critical to be aware of your coping mechanisms for hot weather. Learn more about what to do when it’s hot outside.


A sunburn

Some people’s skin reacts to sunshine by breaking out in a rash. Another name for this is photosensitivity. Sun rash can take many distinct forms.

Some persons who take certain medications, like antibiotics, may develop solar rash. Another possibility is that exposure to:

    synthetic fragrances

    sunscreens, disinfectants, and dyes

Photodermatitis is the term for this.

Some persons can develop an itchy, red rash on the: when exposed to the sun in the spring or early summer. Their face, chest, and arms are at the front.

PMLE, or polymorphous light eruption, is the name of this rash. Usually, it goes away on its own in a few days. Although it might return.

Additionally, for those who are vulnerable, sunlight can cause the uncommon disease lupus (also known as systemic lupus erythematosus, or SLE).



Skin sensitivity

Moulds, pollens, plant and animal compounds, and other environmental factors can all lead to allergic skin reactions during the spring and summer.

Heat and sweat can aggravate certain skin allergies, including those that result in hives (urticaria) and eczema (atopic dermatitis).

Rash from stings and bites

Pain, stinging, and little swelling are the typical effects of bites and stings. They may result in a serious cutaneous reaction in some persons.

They can experience a severe adverse reaction if they are allergic to stings. Anaphylaxis is the term for this. The following symptoms indicate that this is a medical emergency:


  • Difficulty breathing
  • Swelling of the lips, tongue, face and throat
  • Coughing and wheezing
  • Dizziness


Chronic skin problems

Many people who have a chronic skin condition could notice that summer makes their symptoms worse. If you have a persistent skin condition that grows worse in the heat and sunlight, you should visit your doctor. Examples of chronic skin disorders.

  • Chronic fungal infections such as tinea
  • Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
  • Seborrhoeic dermatitis
  • Rosacea
  • Psoriasis remedies and self-care

The majority of summertime skin rashes are harmless and will go away on their own in a few days. The majority of rashes can be effectively and safely treated at home. Consider one or more of these suggestions:

  • Dress in light, loose-fitting, soft clothing to reduce friction and heat buildup. Cotton and other natural textiles work well.
  • Spend time in areas that are cold, air-conditioned, or have good ventilation. Using a fan is recommended.

Consider one or more of these suggestions:

  • Dress in light, loose-fitting, soft clothing to reduce friction and heat buildup. Cotton and other natural textiles work well.
  • Spend time in areas that are cold, air-conditioned, or have good ventilation. Using a fan is recommended.
  • Frequently take a chilly bath or shower.
  • Find out from your doctor or chemist if there are any lotions or pills that could be of use to you.
  • Avoid scratching the affected region because doing so could aggravate it.

In hot weather, it’s also crucial to drink lots of water and watch how much sun you get.

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A review article by

Dr Sunil Kumar  Feel Free to Connet on Linkedin 

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