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Travel sickness / Motion sickness

Travel sickness

Ever feel you are going somewhere and after sometime you start feeling vomiting, nausea, loss of or trouble maintaining your balance If Yes so this information is for you.

Inconvenient and stressful, road trips can be if you experience motion sickness. Motion sickness is another name for travel sickness. It is felt while moving through the air, on the water, and in vehicles. Motion sickness happens when your brain has trouble processing the data that your ears, eyes, and other body parts are sending to it. Sweating, persistent discomfort or irritation, stomach aches, nausea, vomiting, and other symptoms are some of the effects of motion sickness.

Motion sickness, sometimes known as seasickness or automobile sickness, is a fairly common inner ear disturbance brought on by constant movement. Motion sickness can affect everybody, however, different people are more sensitive to motion than others. Children between the ages of 2 and 12 as well as pregnant women and migraine sufferers are most susceptible to motion sickness. Motion sickness can also occur when traveling by land or air during turbulence or vehicle movement.

All of these symptoms can make travelling terrifying and uncomfortable. In this article, we go over several motion sickness prevention techniques.

Why do people get motion sickness?


Many body components, including your eyes and inner ears, send signals that assist you keep your balance. Your nervous system can determine which portions of your body are contacting the ground thanks to additional sensory receptors in your legs and feet.


Motion sickness can be brought on by conflicting signals. Turbulence, for instance, may be felt by your body even though you cannot see it when you are on an airplane. The confusion that follows may make you feel queasy or even sick.

What are the symptoms of motion sickness?

Motion sickness can take you by surprise. You may feel fine one moment and then suddenly experience some of these symptoms:


  •     Cold sweats.
  •     Dizziness.
  •     Fatigue.
  •     Headache.
  •     Irritability.
  •     Inability to concentrate.
  •     Increased saliva, nausea and vomiting.
  •     Pale skin.
  •     Rapid breathing or gulping for air.


What prevents against motion sickness?


The majority of those who are prone to motion sickness are aware of this. The following ways to prevent motion sickness may be helpful if you are prone to it. When making travel plans, be prepared. When flying, request a window or wing seat. When traveling by bus, boat, or rail, seat near the front and avoid facing the rear. On a ship, request a stateroom that is close to the front or the center of the ship, at water level. Avoid reading and try to open a vent for some fresh air.

It often helps to drive yourself or to sit in the front seat of a car or bus. When they are driving, many people who have motion sickness in a car find that they don’t get the same symptoms.

The night before traveling, make sure you obtain enough of rest and stay away from alcohol. If you frequently experience motion sickness, dehydration, headaches, and anxiety all result in less favourable outcomes.

To soothe your tummy, eat well. Avoid eating anything oily or acidic before or while traveling.

Use an at-home cure or explore alternate treatments. According to several experts, black horehound, ginger, and peppermint can all be beneficial. These solutions exist, even though science hasn’t validated their efficacy.




  • Reduce motion – sit in the front of a car or the middle of a boat
  • Look straight ahead at a fixed point, such as the horizon
  • Breathe fresh air if possible – for example, by opening a car window
  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly while focusing on your breathing
  • Distract children by talking, listening to music or singing songs
  • Break up long journeys to get some fresh air, drink water or take a walk
  • Try ginger, which you can take as a tablet, biscuit or tea
  • Before you plan to travel ask INIGIMA Health Coach




  • Do not read, watch films, or use electronic devices
  • Do not look at moving objects, such as passing cars or rolling waves
  • Do not eat heavy meals, spicy foods or drink alcohol shortly before or during travel
  • Do not go on fairground rides if they make you feel unwell


What negative effects might motion sickness have?

Serious issues rarely arise from motion sickness. Rarely, some persons have a persistent nausea. Dehydration and low blood pressure can result from frequent vomiting (hypotension).


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A review article by

Dr Bhavna Kalvala

(Clinical Research Director @ IEEARC Tech)

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