Understand the Diabetic Foot

Understand the Diabetic Foot

A review article by

Dr. Somedatta Ghosh (Pal)

As the global burden of diabetes is rapidly increasing, all diabetes-related complications are also increasing. The list includes cardiovascular problems (CVD), neuropathy, retinopathy, chronic kidney disease (CKD), micro and macrovascular problem and many more.Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is common in people with long-standing diabetes. Hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, and insulin resistance in diabetes help to build up plaques inside the blood vessels. On the other hand, high blood sugar levels, and high levels of fats/triglycerides can damage the nerves.

This diabetes-related ischemia and neuropathy ultimately result in a severe complication named diabetic foot (DF). All over the world, most diabetes-related hospital admissions happen due to DF. Every year more than one million DF patients suffer a lower limb amputation.Diabetic neuropathy can make patients lose the feeling in their feet. They become unable to feel a pebble inside the shocks or a blister remains unnoticed. Diabetic ischemia reduces the blood flow in the legs which makes the healing process of a sore/blister/cut difficult. In most cases, patients remain unaware of this diabetes complication and they ignore numbness, sore, deep wounds at the feet. Thus easily the disease moves to life-threatening advanced stages and the treatment is also too costly at these stages.For diabetic patients, this problem leads to leg amputation mostly because of:·       Late presentation·       Delayed diagnosis·       Failure to recognize and treat ischemia. A well-designed and informative infographic can play a very important role to educate patients regarding their health.

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