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Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

What Is a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) ?

An infection of the urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra, is known as a urinary tract infection, or UTI.

The likelihood of developing a urinary tract infection is higher in women. According to some experts, the lifetime risk of contracting one is as high as 1 in 2, with many women experiencing recurrent infections for extended periods of time. A UTI affects about 1 in 10 males at some point in their lives.


Here’s how to treat UTIs and prevent them from occurring in the first place.

Indications of UTI


  • A burning sensation after urinating
  • A persistent or strong urge to urinate, even though little urine is produced when you do
  • Pee that is cloudy, black, bloody, or has an odd scent
  • Feeling weak or exhausted
  • Cold or fever (a sign that the infection may have reached your kidneys)
  • Back or lower abdominal pain or pressure


Different types of  UTIs

Your urinary tract can become infected in a number of different locations. Depending on where it is, each variety has a unique name.


Bladder cystitis: You may feel as though you need to urinate frequently or that it hurts to urinate. Additionally, you may experience lower stomach pain and murky or red urine.


Pyelonephritis of the kidneys: Symptoms of this condition include fever, chills, nauseousness, vomiting, and discomfort in the upper back or side.


Urethritis: This condition might result in a discharge and burning when you urinate.


UTIs’ causes


Doctors frequently advise women to wipe after using the restroom from front to back due to UTIs. The anus is near to the urethra, which transports urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. E. coli bacteria, for example, can occasionally escape from your anus and enter your urethra. If the infection is left untreated, they can continue to spread to your kidneys from where they started by ascending to your bladder. Men’s urethras are longer than those of women. As a result, bacteria can more easily access their bladders. Additionally, having sex might contaminate your urinary system with microorganisms.

Because of their DNA, certain women are more likely to develop UTIs. Others are more vulnerable to infection due to the form of their urinary tracts. Because their immune systems are compromised, women with diabetes may be more susceptible to infections. Hormonal changes, multiple sclerosis, and anything that impairs urine flow, such as kidney stones, a stroke, or a spinal cord injury, are additional illnesses that can increase your risk.


UTI Diagnostic Tests


Visit the doctor if you think you may have a urinary tract infection. To check for germs that cause UTIs, you will provide a urine sample.


An ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI may be used to obtain a better look if you frequently get UTIs and your doctor suspects a urinary tract issue. They might also look inside your urethra and bladder using a long, flexible tube known as a cystoscope.


Medications for UTIs


Antibiotics are the most popular treatment for urinary tract infections if your doctor feels you need them. Always remember to finish the entire course of medication that has been recommended for you, even if you feel better. To assist your body rid itself of the bacteria, drink plenty of water. In order to relieve your discomfort, your doctor might potentially prescribe a drug. A heating pad might be useful.


The benefits of cranberry juice is frequently marketed for use in the diagnosis or care for UTIs. The red berry contains a tannin that may stop E. coli bacteria, the main culprit behind UTIs, from adhering to the bladder’s walls, where they might spread illness. However, studies haven’t proven that it significantly lowers infections.


Chronic UTI Treatment


A man is more prone to develop another UTI after having one. One in five women may have a second UTI, and some will develop UTIs repeatedly. Each illness is typically caused by a distinct kind or strain of bacteria. However, certain bacteria can enter the cells of your body and grow there, forming a colony of germs that are resistant to antibiotics. After that, they leave the cells and return to your urinary tract.


Long-Term UTI Treatment

Ask your doctor to suggest a treatment plan if you experience three or more UTIs each year. Taken as one choice are:

An antibiotic given at a low dose over a longer period of time to help avoid recurrent infections.

Taking a single antibiotic tablet following sexual activity, a typical infection trigger

Whenever symptoms arise, symptoms require 1 or 2 days of antibiotics.”

A non-antibiotic preventative measure


Without a prescription, at-home urine tests can help you determine whether you need to call your doctor. You can perform a test to determine if antibiotics you are taking for a UTI have successfully treated the illness (although you still need to finish your prescription).


Prevention guidelines for urinary tract infections

  • Every day, consume 8 to 10 glasses of water.
  • Be free to urinate whenever the urge strikes you.
  • Showers are preferable to baths.
  • After urinating, women should wipe from front to back.
  • Avoid using feminine hygiene products like douches or sprays.
  • Warm abdominal region heating
  • Oversized clothing to encourage airflow


Key Points :

INIGIMA Digital Screening plays a very important role if you are a UTI patient and also multiple complications like diabetes blood pressure obesity patient. It helps to maintain good health and helps to achieve a longer life. Book a session with an expert now

A review article by

Dr Bhavna Kalvala

(Clinical Research Director @ IEEARC Tech)




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