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I am quickly gaining weight without any extra diet ?

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I Am Quickly Gaining Weight without any extra diet ?

A review article by

Dr Sunil Kumar  Feel Free to Connet on Linkedin 

Something else might be going on if your food and exercise routines haven’t altered and you’re still gaining weight.

Of course, gaining weight isn’t always a problem. However, it can be a sign of a medical problem you need to address. Perhaps there is a hormonal issue, a mood disorder, or another element that is changing your physiology covertly. Consult with your healthcare practitioner if you want to be absolutely certain of what it signifies.


Thyroid Underactivity (Hypothyroidism)


Thyroid disorders affect one in every eight women throughout the course of their lifetimes.  The thyroid has a significant role in metabolism. Muscle weakness and a persistent coldness are signs to watch for.


Weight Gain Due to Anxiety and Depression


Both anxiety and depression can result in drowsiness, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. An investigation published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity in 2019 found that both of these mood disorders, however, can make overeating a typical coping method.

PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)


One in ten women of reproductive age suffer from this condition, which also affects how the body utilises insulin, the hormone in charge of transforming carbohydrates into energy.  The sex chemicals estrogen and testosterone are out of balance in this endocrine condition (women also generate testosterone, but in much smaller amounts than men).



Weight Gain During Menopause and Perimenopause


According to a 2017 analysis in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, a decline in estrogen levels during menopause and perimenopause (the years preceding menopause) can result in weight increase. The abdominal region is where the additional weight linked to menopause is most likely to gather.


Cushing’s Syndrome

Cortisol, often known as the stress hormone, can cause Cushing’s disease if your body produces excessive amounts of it over an extended period of time. Unusual fatty deposits in the cheeks and abdomen are one unfavorable side effect.

Long-term steroid use increases your risk of developing Cushing’s disease. According to the OHSU Brain Institute, Cushing’s disease is characterized by weight gain, particularly in the upper body. Other signs and symptoms include stretch marks, acne, and easy bruising.



Uterine or Ovarian Tumor

An article of a 53-year-old woman who visited the hospital and had a 61-pound tumor removed from her uterus was published in Case Reports in 2018.  According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian or uterine tumor symptoms in addition to weight gain include lower back pain, vaginal bleeding, uncomfortable erections, and constipation.

Drug-Related Causes


Weight gain may potentially be a side effect of blood pressure medications. Weight gain is a typical side effect of psychiatric drugs, particularly those for depression and bipolar disorder.

Ask your doctor before beginning any new over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription drug, and monitor your health using INIGIMA Digital Screening. Mapping your symptoms and blood pressure or blood sugar data can help you determine how well a medication is working.

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