With YOGA Becoming a Mindful Eater
In today’s hectic environment, yoga, an age-old practice and meditation, has grown in popularity. For many people, yoga provides an escape from their chaotic and bustling life. This holds true whether you’re doing YOGA on a mat in your bedroom, at an ashram in India, or even at Times Square in New York City. Numerous other psychological and physical advantages of yoga exist. Some of these reach the dining room table.
Focusing on what you are experiencing in the present moment without passing judgement on yourself is referred to as mindfulness.
It has been demonstrated that doing yoga helps people be more conscious outside of class as well.
Mindful eating is defined by researchers as a nonjudgmental awareness of the bodily and emotional experiences related to eating. They created the following behaviours as the basis for a questionnaire to assess mindful eating:
- Eating after feeling satisfied (disinhibition)
- Observing how food appears, tastes, and smells
- Consuming as a result of environmental cues, such as the scent or appearance of food
- Emotional eating is when you eat when you’re upset or anxious.
- Eating while paying attention to something else
Yoga practitioners were shown to be more aware eaters, the study discovered.
According to their results, the researchers discovered that those who practised yoga were more aware eaters. Better mindful eating scores were correlated with years of yoga practice as well as weekly minutes of practice. You become more conscious of how your body feels as you practise yoga. This increased awareness may be applied to mealtime as you take time to enjoy each bite or sip and pay attention to how the food feels, tastes, and smells in your mouth.
How to know our health in a deeper way
In addition to YOGA the body’s physiological observation is equally important. Being health conscious and aware of health is one of the most important parts of life. We have observed INIGIMA Digital screening process makes 80 % of the patient more aware of their health and improved their health and ongoing treatment process.
It’s not only confined to eating food in addition to that it’s also the medicine that people are taking for Diabetes, Blood Pressure, and Heart Issues. We must observe our medication process it will help to understand the recovery rate and future side effects.
This International YOGA Day start your INIGIMA Digital Screening process and take one step towards a healthy and longer life.
A review article by
Dr Sunil Kumar Feel Free to Connet on Linkedin