Posts in Health updates

Life expectancy reduced due to Covid

Life expectancy reduced by two years due to Covid Scientists from the city’s International Institute for Population[…]

Intermittent Fasting and Lose Weight?

What Is the Health Benefit of Intermittent Fasting? Let’s look at what happens at the cellular and[…]

Poor sleep may impact blood sugar

Globally, diabetes affects 463 million people and kills 1.5 million people annually. The rate of growth is[…]

Green tea and weight loss

Green tea: increases metabolism and abdominal fat loss. Weight loss is only one of the many health[…]

Diabetes-Friendly Fruits Diet

Even higher intakes of fresh fruit were linked to a lower chance of developing diabetes as well[…]

Diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease)

Today, kidney disease is a significant public health issue. Until it is quite advanced, kidney disease frequently[…]

Protected: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)

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